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Department of 历史 and Political Science

With a history degree from ETBU you can do much more than you might think. Our rigorous and personalized programs prepare students to compete with graduates from much larger institutions. We offer courses that push students to develop critical thinking, 阅读, and writing skills that are essential in many career fields. 

Departmental Mission

作为教师, we want our students to be competent observers and analysts of history and political institutions and events from a Christian worldview. We emphasize study of the global human past, traditions and laws, politics and government, and human interaction with the environment. We seek to balance our history and political science courses with other courses in the liberal arts so that students gain the broad education necessary to be successful in various careers and to be servant leaders in their communities. 

姓名/名称 部门 电话
Dr. 珍妮胡佛
Associate Professor of 历史
School of Christian Studies and 人文学科 903.923.2087 发送消息 查看简历
Dr. 桑迪胡佛
山姆B. Hall Professor of 历史
School of Christian Studies and 人文学科 903.923.2086 发送消息 查看简历
Dr. Israel Nandamudi
Professor of Political Science
School of Christian Studies and 人文学科 903.923.2085 发送消息 查看简历